I was lucky to be a part of the inaugural Kindagious Quest!. A lot of thought was put into designing experience, but it wasn’t just about the carefully curated supplies. The magic happened when we hit the streets and shared the positive messages, handed out flowers, gave free hugs, and wrote fun and positive messages on the sidewalk. We even had a few passer byers join in on the fun! This experience showed me how much kindness is needed, people appreciate it (although some were skeptical at first), and how good it feels to be the giver. I highly recommend the Kindagious Quest to EVERYONE! No matter if you are a student or a parent, young or old, custodian or CEO, this activity will leave you with a feel-good experience.
“One of the most fun and uplifting team-building events I’ve ever encountered.”
I participated in a Kindagious Scavenger Hunt in Oakland, CA. It was absolutely one of the most fun and uplifting team-building events I’ve encountered. Not only did we have a great time, we came away with first-hand experiences of how kindness builds trust and engagement in our communities!
“An extraordinary experience!”
The Kindagious event held in Oakland, California was an extraordinary experience! The event was well planned out with each activity specifying a specific purpose. It was remarkable to witness the way these activities connected strangers together. One of the activities had us write kind words on the sidewalk with chalk. I saw a man walking down the sidewalk and I quickly wrote “You are loved” and walked away. The man stopped and read the message then came to me and said, “Thank you for the reminder.” Kindagious reminds people that kindness is of crucial importance to our daily lives.